Friday, June 15, 2012

Father's Day

Well Brooklyn, its been quite sometime since Dad has made a post. Like 2.5 years... Which is by no means a result of lack of material. This Father's Day seemed to be an appropriate one for me to give a "fatherly" update.

I want to start this off by saying that you've made the last 3 years worth living, for A LOT of people, and that your beautiful smile and incredible heart have made some pretty crummy times much easier to get through. You are my little angel...

Father's Day this year will be a tough one in this household. Your Mom lost her Dad a little over a month ago and your Dad hasn't spoken to his in over 6 months. But, true to form, I am sure you'll say or do something that will make our heart melt and make a tough day, easy.

So much has happened in life since my last post that it is nearly impossible to give you an accurate rundown but maybe I can give you a few gems of "fatherly wisdom"

* Never give up on something you think or know is important to you - a dream perhaps. (I went back to school to become a Firefighter in 2010-11, hopefully by the time you read this I'll be one).  Seeing things through will feel like perhaps only a small victory at the time but I can assure you that giving up on something will feel like massive defeat all the time.

* Never loose your big heart. At 3 years young your heart and compassion are something to behold. Sure, someday someone will undoubtedly break it, but as they say - it's better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all. (Mom and I just celebrated 5 years of marriage and I can tell you this. I love your Mom more today then ever.) Love is a funny thing B. I'd give you some tips but I don't want to ruin the surprise

*Never loose your sense of curiosity. Not being willing to try new things is tragedy. New people, new places, new food, new languages... Variety is the spice of life. (I said this to you but only a few days ago and you replied with "variety is spicy? I don't like spicy"... With any luck you'll travel, meet fantastic people, learn lots about food and language and culture like so many of the other people in your life (TIP - Talk to Uncle Matt about food!!)

This really is only the tip of the iceberg but I guess you have to start somewhere. I'll try not to be such as stranger here I guess.

I love you B and if I do nothing else of worth in life I know that with you I've done one thing that is truly great.

Kirk, out...