Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Listen to the woman - how to save yourself some frustration

Okay so we are going to go back in time just a wee bit to a time when babies are fresh from the oven and worlds have been turned upside down. Here is a simple phrase (from "White Men Can't Jump) that will save you a good deal of grief - "Listen to the woman". In the context of the movie it was simple; listen to your woman/wife - really listen (thanks Wesley Snipes). In your new reality of Dad and husband it means something similar but different (Huh?). If your "baby momma" is the same as mine some things will become obvious very quickly and that is this:

They've read books, they've gone to websites, they've gone to doctors appointments and they've had countless "dates'"with their girlfriends who are also "baby mamma's" or "baby mamma's to-be."

What that means is a few things. They know things you wouldn't have thought of in your wildest dreams. That also means they know things they wouldn't have thought of in THEIR wildest dreams too (Huh?). So lets attack this query last thing first, first thing last shall we?

As a result of the aforementioned mentioned "mom research and development" they have inundated their new mom brains with everything from time lines to feeding schedules to formula/diaper recon, serious black ops stuff. These tie into the "listen" part. What they've also done is "mom R&D" on every possible ailment known to man. Which means if your little one sneezes mom goes through her now extensive Rolodex of possibilities. They become dermatological ninjas and they will know things about baby stool that will blow your mind. She will go a little nutty, she can't help it. Mom-brain takes over and it's something you can plan for or pretend to understand. Just be there for them when they use the cream from Australia for diaper rash and the soap from Costa Rica for cradle cap and the all natural syrup that helps teething (okay this stuff rocks, it's called Camillia or something. Get it!!!). You can listen to the crazy stuff too but just realize that its mostly mom's being mom's (parents in general, you'll likely get sucked, you can't help it).

What you need to hear is a) all the time they spent preparing for your little one that will b) save you a lot of work. They laid the ground work, just follow their lead. What diapers, where to get the cheapest formula, what size onesies, the "how-to" on diaper changes and the really cool stuff like: "when she gonna walk? when she gonna talk? teeth?" and so on. They are a fountain of knowledge at your finger tips so the more you pay attention the easier it'll be. The easier it'll be for you to become the dad you want to be. I am the dad I am because of the work my wife put in prior to Brooklyn being born and because I payed attention to the key things (also because I wanted to be but you know what I mean).

Heed the words of the great Mr. Snipes and listen to the woman....

Hope that helps.. Cheers.

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